Friday, January 8, 2010

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

This week I've been reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The book mentions Tom and Huck finding gold in a cave and each get $6,000 a piece. The book begings with the Widow taking in Huck to make him "sivilized". He gets fed up, however, and decides to run away, throwing on his old rags. However, Tom tells him to go back to the Widow because if he does he can join Tom's band of robbers which Huck desperately wants to join. The Widow tries in vain to civilize Huck Finn and the difficulties are saddening. He will not pray before a meal or believe in Moses, since he is dead. However, Huck does learn to read due to the Widow's sister teaching him to read, this is the only non-failure of the process. The chapter ends with Huck in bed. He flicks a spider into a candle which scares him because he thinks of it as an omen, and then hears a meow. Huck "meow"s back, and sees Tom Sawyer out of the window in the yard. More next week!


  1. Man john, you just know what to pick sometimes. Im looking forward to reading this book. Youve inspired me greatly and I want to just sit around all day and read this. seems like a very touching book and the plot is crisp. Im stopping at your house later to take this from you.
